How much time does the analysis take?

Results are available in maximum 24 hours since the analysis starts. În some periods, especially during summer and winter sessions, the period may increase to up to 100 hours. It is an estimated time for delivering the service which, in extraordinary cases, might become longer. Therefore, delivering the results in 24 hours is an intention of, but not an obligation.

How many tokens do I need to check a document?

The system informs the user how many tokens are needed to check a document during the upload process. When a document is uploaded, the system automatically calculates the size of the document and the required tokens. In order to check a document, the user must buy the necessary number of tokens. One tokens allows the user to check 18.000 characters. For every additional 18.000 a new token is needed. Before the Antiplagiarism Analysis for a given document is started, the User can choose additional services – Priority Check, Checking with the RefBooks, Checking with Legal Acts Database,  Paraphrases (SmartMarks), Similarities in translation and AI content. In order to make a payment, you can access the Payment section.

Important! The system takes into account all the characters in the document, including spaces and lines between paragraphs, which might not be taken into account by word processors.

Is the document added to a database after being checked?

The individual account is not registered to any database and the documents checked in this type of account are not added to any database. No third party is permitted access to documents checked with an individual account.

Documents checked by institutional clients can be added to the database manually by the users of each institution.

What are the costs of using the system?

The service for individual users allows checks for documents of a recommended maximum of 1.500.000 characters. Payment is done for every 18.000 characters of the uploaded document One token can check 18.000 characters and the cost is: 11 RON by card payment, 2,33 EUR or 2,50 USD by Paypal and by SMS the first token costs 4 EUR and each additional token another 2 EUR each (maximum 4 tokens per payment). SMS payments are available for Romanian networks Orange, Vodafone, Digi and Telekom. Six additional Services are also available: Priority Check (Cost: 30% of the number of tokens required to verify the document), Check with RefBooks (Cost: 50% of the number of tokens required to verify the document), Checking with Legal Acts Database (Cost: 50% of the number of tokens required to verify the document), Paraphrases (Smartmarks) (Cost: 50% of the number of tokens required to verify the document), Similarities in translation and AI content (Cost: 50% of the number of tokens required to verify the document).

Why can't I connect to my account?

In order to ensure the correct functioning of the system, please use one of the browsers Chrome 29.0, Firefox 28.0, Safari 9.0, Opera 17.0 or Edge (or newer versions) with functional mechanisms for cookies, javaScript and CSS.

If these conditions are met, the system should work without problems. If you encounter other problems, please contact us. You can log into the system only by using the correct username and password. You can ensure the data is correct by using copy&paste.

I registered an account, but I did not receive a password. Why?

The password is sent automatically to the email address provided during registration. The automatic mail may have been considered as spam by your service provider, check your spam box. Another possible reason for this problem is an error in the submission form when creating a new account. Proceed according to the instructions for a forgotten password, but if this doesn’t work we recommend creating a new account to make sure the email address was entered correctly.

I have forgotten my password, what should I do?

In case of a lost password, click the “I have forgotten my password” button in the top right- hand corner of the homepage. Enter the e-mail address you used as a login for your account and press the “Send” button. The System will automatically generate an e-mail containing a link, that should be used to obtain a new password.

How do I check a document in operates on an ASP model (i.e. it is a web-based system that does not require the user to download any system files). Documents can only be checked once they are uploaded to the System using a user account. The user can only log in to their account via the website (to access your account fill in the fields in the top right-hand corner of the homepage or create a new account).

How do I interpret the Similarity Report?

When analysing a Similarity Report you should remember that:

  • The Similarity Report is only a tool. The System mechanically detects similarities to other documents and provides a result that should then be analyzed by a competent person to ascertain whether citations have been properly marked and annotations made. The Similarity Coefficient alone cannot be considered a definite measure of copyright infringement.
  • does not analyse which document was created first. The document that was submitted to the System earlier is treated as a source. Therefore the Similarity Report cannot be considered when deciding which file is the original and which is the copy.
  • The methods of similarity detection used by the System sometimes cause commonly used or standardised phrases with specialised terminology to be highlighted as alleged plagiarism. This interference, however, should not influence the Similarity Rate more than 5%. Therefore, documents with a Similarity Coefficient that is lower than 5% should be considered as “clean”, unless an analysis of the Report proves otherwise. The System can show a hypersensitivity to commonly used phrases.

Is the work submitted to safe?

Yes, it is. We comply to the following rules:

  • The document is visible ONLY to the user of the account from which it was submitted for analysis.
  • Each account is protected by a unique password.
  • The ONLY possibility to access the Similarity Report of a document that is considered similar is with the consent of the user who submitted it (applicable only to users of subscription accounts).
  • We do not make the personal data of individual users accessible under any circumstances.
  • The personal data of subscription accounts users is accessible only upon obtaining written consent from the university authorities and the account owner. The employees of have no influence over such decisions.
  • The personal data of individual account users will NEVER be divulged to third persons under ANY circumstances.

What does the Similarity Coefficient exactly mean?

It is an indicator in the Similarity Report, obtained after dividing the number of words from an analysed document but detected in other sources by the total number of words in that document.

What does the Similarity Coefficient 2 indicate?

What does the Similarity Coefficient 2 indicate? The Similarity Coefficient 2 is a parameter that can be set individually by each client, it is displayed in the Similarity Report as well as on the Documents console. It is calculated using the same method as the Similarity Coefficient 1 (that is by calculating the percentage of words in the document that have been found in other sources). However the Similarity Coefficient 2 is calculated using only the words in fragments longer than a value defined by the client (such as 25 words). In this way the Similarity Coefficient 2 defines the percentage of the document that should be within quotation marks. The theory being that it is possible to use the same wording as a different author in a short fragment but impossible to write a long fragment that is identical to another text without it being a quote or a plagiarism. Fragments that exceed the Similarity Coefficient limit can be found listed in bold in the Similarity Report.

How long is a Token valid?

Tokens are valid 6 months from the moment of purchase. The SMS code, used to finalise the token purchase (via SMS) is valid for two weeks. The token and the code can only be used once.

Is there a guarantee that all similar fragments will be detected?

There is no guarantee that all the similarities will be detected. looks for similar content in the databases that are available. We can guarantee detection for all similarities in the databases available to the system, but for internet resources we cannot guarantee 100% detection because it has a dynamic structure which we cannot control.

Does ignore quotations and footnotes?

For documents checked in individual accounts, the system does not ignore quotations or footnotes, therefore there is the possibility that they will be detected in other sources and marked accordingly.

For institutional users, the system marks quotations differently in the text, it gives a quotation coefficient and it can also ignore the bibliography during the analysis.

What type of database does use?

Through individual account the system compares documents with the internet resources.

Six additional Services are also available:

  • RefBooks – created by our company, contains over 34 million texts and publications from all scientific and cultural subjects;
  • PRIORITY mode – priority mode significantly reduces analysis time. Choosing this mode you set the document checked first in the queue;
  • Legal Acts Database – contains all Romanian and European legislation, methodological standards, judicial practice, case law and journals;
  • Paraphrases (SmartMarks) – the system will additionally mark the similar fragments (not only identical ones) in which changes were made (word order, synonyms, translations, etc.), and also shows how the fragment is reflected in the source,
  • Similarities ONLY in translation – automatically translating the text into another language and Analysis performed on the translation;
  • AI content – detecting text written by ChatGPT, GPT-2, GPT-J, GPT-NEO, GPT-3, GPT-4 or Bard with a high degree of probability.

Through institutional accounts the system can compare with:

  • Internet Resources – all open access texts and files available on the internet;
  • Internal Database – created by adding documents to the beneficiary’s database;
  • External Databases – of other institutions that use our system;
  • RefBooks – created by our company, contains over 34 million texts and publications from all scientific and cultural subjects;
  • Legal Database – contains all Romanian and European law.

Does analyze text in different languages?

Yes, can analyze and detect similarities in documents written in any language that uses alphabets such as Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, etc. It is also adapted for the special characters of languages such as Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Arabic, Georgian, Bulgarian, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Croatian, Turkish, French, Dutch, etc.

Is it possible to obtain different results for the same document?

It is possible due to the dynamic structure of the internet. Usually the differences are quite low (1-3%), but in rare, specific cases the difference can be bigger.

How can I delete my account?

To delete your account, please use “delete account” button in the “Edit user data” section (top right corner) or send us an e-mail at